Word from the director
More than half of the world’s population does not have access to essential health services. More than 800 million people spend more than 10% of their budget on health. Every year, health care costs push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty, forcing them to make a terrible choice: take care of themselves or feed their families? Choose education or health care for their children? In response to this finding by the World Health Organization (WHO) in low-income countries, we have created the UHC School Lab, an intensive and innovative training school, launched in 2020 by the Grenoble-Alpes University (UGA) and the European Scientific Institute (ESI).
In this context, the mission of UHC School Lab is to help accelerate innovation in primary health, capitalise on its transformative potential, to create new knowledge and thus contribute to the progress of Universal Health Coverage. UHC is one of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which calls for creativity and innovation to help end poverty, protect the environment and biodiversity, and ensure dignified life for all.
Emmanuel Drouet
UHC School Lab director
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Philosophy,
Professor at Grenoble-Alpes University
About the school
Based on creativity, entrepreneurship and solidarity, UHC School Lab aims to organise an intensive and innovative training school for medico-social actors from France (Grenoble) and low-income countries (Madagascar, Tunisia, Burkina Faso). This school aims to :
- Deliver accelerated learning training, delivered by an international consortium of stakeholders (academics, WHO experts, health students, NGO and association leaders, entrepreneurs, etc.).
- Support, through training, initiatives emanating from medico-social actors from French speaking countries.
- Accelerate technological and/or societal innovations in primary health.
- Train and assist project leaders to implement simple solutions to meet needs not covered by health systems.
Each year, UHC School Lab proposes a theme according to the health needs and current events of the countries.
Theme for 2022: Access to biomedical diagnostics and treatments in the field of infectious and chronic disease (HIV, tuberculosis, covid, etc.).
Theme for 2023-2024: Develop community-based practices to promote equitable access to care for non-communicable diseases and reduce the impact of environmental factors on human health
In addition to the purely medical aspects, the project leaders will have to take into account in their reflection the societal, psychological, ethical, and human rights aspects.
The school will be organized in 3 stages :
- Support for project leaders by tutors (remote)
- Support for project leaders by tutors + students (remote)
- Support for project leaders by tutors + students, as well as the participation of speakers (face-to-face)
The 2023-2024 programme will be available soon.

Student testimonies

Cette école, soutenue par l’OMS, est unique et exceptionnelle. Les ateliers et conférences auxquels j’ai participé m’ont permis d’acquérir des compétences dans le domaine de la santé et de l’entreprenariat (création d’un budget, demande de financement, etc..). La bonne humeur et le mélange culturel étaient au rendez-vous, et j’en ressors grandie.

L’UHC School Lab était une super expérience. J’ai collaboré dans un projet luttant contre la malnutrition à Madagascar et dans un autre améliorant l’offre de dépistage de l’hépatite B au Burkina Faso. C’est grâce à ce type de projets interculturels et interdisciplinaires qu’on peut faire progresser le système sanitaire en France et dans le monde.

L’UHC School Lab est une expérience inoubliable : 10 jours d’échanges de partages, de découvertes et surtout de bienveillance afin de contribuer à un avenir meilleur. Je souhaite à chacun d’y participer, on se sent utile et ça fait du bien ! Sortir des cahiers et passer au concret, c’est ce que permet cette école.

C’était une très belle expérience tant sur le plan apprentissage que social. J’encourage les étudiants à y participer !
UHC School Lab gave me the opportunity to present the existing health problems in my area. The sharing with the students from Grenoble and the mentoring by tutors and coaches allowed me to improve my project throughout the school.
An experience I will never forget! The school allowed me to work with coaches, learn how to build a professional network and collaborate with Béchar’s midwives as part of my project.
Project leaders testimonies

L’UHC School Lab est une initiative à pérenniser. Qualité des conférences, l’organisation, l’environnement de travail, la puissance émotive des relations… La vision du Doyen Philippe Sabatier n’a pas été trahie. Force aux promoteurs. Nous vous soutenons !

Tous mes sincères remerciements à toute l’équipe d’UHC School Lab ! La qualité des différentes formations et la disponibilité de l’équipe ont contribué à une bonne évolution de mon projet. Chapeau bas à Stéphanie d’Entrepreneurs du Monde. J’espère vous inviter très prochainement au lancement de SANT’Elles.

L’UHC School Lab – Accélérateur CSU peut être la bonne voie pour vous accompagner à la réalisation de votre projet.
Steering Committee

Prof. Michel SÈVE
Dean of the UGA Faculty of Pharmacy, Grenoble

Prof. Emmanuel DROUET
UHC School Lab Director, UGA & IBS, Grenoble

Prof. Christine DEMEILLIERS
Professor at the UGA Faculty of Pharmacy, Grenoble

Universal Health Coverage and Health System Division, World Health Organization

Letizia LASCAR
Director of the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale

Dr. Pierre-Henri MOURY
Anesthesiologist resuscitator at La Tronche Hospital

ESI Director
Comité scientifique

Geneva Health Forum Director

Estelle YOUL
Deputy Director UFR Health Sciences of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso