JUAS enabled me to have contact with many accelerator specialists, which gave me a great overview of these machines at a general level. This is so important for someone like me who intends to make my career in particle accelerators.

JUAS enabled me to have contact with many accelerator specialists, which gave me a great overview of these machines at a general level. This is so important for someone like me who intends to make my career in particle accelerators.
The school allowed to me to deepen my knowledge in technologies and applications of particle accelerators, to acquire cutting-edge information from the lectures and seminars and to expand my working network. Considering the logistical difficulties, the organization of the school in the on-line format was excellent.
Despite the limitations due to the pandemic, it was a fascinating journey into accelerator technologies and their applications guided by exceptional experts.
By providing a comprehensive and coherent course programme, JUAS really fulfilled my expectation of building a strong foundation in the field. I have gained so much more understanding in accelerator physics.
It was great to have the accelerator design course and workshop as it was an occasion to put all we saw together and to have an overview on what designing a particle accelerator may be.
I cannot imagine the time it would have taken and the volumes of books and magazines I would have had to read to get this level of experience. The content of the lectures has been rich and, in some cases, challenging to understand. The fact that after just five weeks at JUAS I am already considering changing career shows the degree to which I have been transformed by the school.
The lecturers are all experts passionate about sharing their knowledge. This is really the key asset of JUAS.