L’UHC School Lab était une super expérience. J’ai collaboré dans un projet luttant contre la malnutrition à Madagascar et dans un autre améliorant l’offre de dépistage de l’hépatite B au Burkina Faso. C’est grâce à ce type de projets interculturels et interdisciplinaires qu’on peut faire progresser le système sanitaire en France et dans le monde.
L’UHC School Lab est une expérience inoubliable : 10 jours d’échanges de partages, de découvertes et surtout de bienveillance afin de contribuer à un avenir meilleur. Je souhaite à chacun d’y participer, on se sent utile et ça fait du bien ! Sortir des cahiers et passer au concret, c’est ce que permet cette école.
C’était une très belle expérience tant sur le plan apprentissage que social. J’encourage les étudiants à y participer !
The I.FAST CBI was an one of a kind experience: it showcased the need for different fields to come together to bring solutions into the real world. As a law student, it brought me both knowledge about particle physics and a sense of team work with motivated and innovative young experts.
The CBI boosted my motivation as a physics student and reminded me how society can benefit from our studies. Team work, presentation skills, connections and durable friendships are the main assets I took home from ESI & CERN. 6 months on, we still organise trips to meet each other all over Europe!
Learning from the best of the best, networking with world experts in healthcare research, an exhilarating day at CERN, thoughtfully designed events and schedules, amazing organisers at ESI and a fantastic diverse body of participants made my time here one of the best fortnights of this year. It truly was the place to be!
The Precision Oncology summer school is more than just a school. I feel like we built a whole new network with many students and experts in different field and expertise. I have fun discovering new knowledge and friends.
JUAS opened new horizons for me in the world of particle accelerators, with amazing insights into their applications and also to virtually access the most important accelerator facilities in the world.
I am very satisfied with the courses I followed and have already started to see the effect of them on the quality on my PhD work.
With experts and professors from CERN and universities all over Europe presenting their fields, densely but passionately, there is no better way of starting a career in particle accelerators in my opinion.