The JUAS courses are a unique opportunity to immerse yourself into the accelerator field. With hands on experiences, expert lectures and wonderful camaraderie, JUAS is an intensive program that will only leave you wishing for more.

The JUAS courses are a unique opportunity to immerse yourself into the accelerator field. With hands on experiences, expert lectures and wonderful camaraderie, JUAS is an intensive program that will only leave you wishing for more.
The visits, the workshops and the practical days were particularily useful to touch with hands what we have seen during the lectures. The interaction with the professors and other students is one of the most valuable aspect of this intense experience. I’ve met many future colleagues, and many friendships born here will last a lifetime.
As a capable but by no means top-of-the-class physicist, I came to JUAS expecting to have to work like hell to keep up. I wasn’t wrong, but I’ve never had so much fun. I learned a great deal and gained so much with so many bright people for a few weeks. Highly recommended!
I followed the 2 courses, taught by knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers from laboratories all over Europe. The lab experiences, at CERN and in Grenoble, allowed me to see how the concepts we learned in class were applied in cutting-edge research. Working alongside other passionate students from around the world was also a highlight.
This is a wonderful journey. Through the study of the course, I have improved my ability of C++ programming and Geant4 simulation.
I had a wonderful time at ESIPAP, and not only did I learn a lot of new skills in particle physics, but I also met teachers and students from all over the world. And the local environment is really beautiful!
L’UHC School Lab est une initiative à pérenniser. Qualité des conférences, l’organisation, l’environnement de travail, la puissance émotive des relations… La vision du Doyen Philippe Sabatier n’a pas été trahie. Force aux promoteurs. Nous vous soutenons !
Tous mes sincères remerciements à toute l’équipe d’UHC School Lab ! La qualité des différentes formations et la disponibilité de l’équipe ont contribué à une bonne évolution de mon projet. Chapeau bas à Stéphanie d’Entrepreneurs du Monde. J’espère vous inviter très prochainement au lancement de SANT’Elles.
L’UHC School Lab – Accélérateur CSU peut être la bonne voie pour vous accompagner à la réalisation de votre projet.
Cette école, soutenue par l’OMS, est unique et exceptionnelle. Les ateliers et conférences auxquels j’ai participé m’ont permis d’acquérir des compétences dans le domaine de la santé et de l’entreprenariat (création d’un budget, demande de financement, etc..). La bonne humeur et le mélange culturel étaient au rendez-vous, et j’en ressors grandie.