Signature of a tripartite partnership agreement with Université Grenoble-Alpes and ArchParc
The new year has got off to a great start with the signature on 23 January of a tripartite agreement…
The year 2024 began with the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS), welcoming 65 students to its renowned programme. Throughout the year, ESI experienced unprecedented activity, hosting more schools than ever before and reaching new milestones.
Building on the success of previous years, we continued our BioHealth Computing (BioHC) Philippe Sabatier schools, with Precision Oncology held in July and Computational Medicine in September. We were also delighted to host the second edition of the Bien Vivre Bien Vieillir (BVBV) school, following its successful debut in 2023.
Our commitment to fostering innovation remained strong with the I.FAST Challenge, which this year focused on health applications, bringing together 24 students to tackle pressing challenges.
2024 also saw the introduction of several exciting new schools. Among them was MHEDAS, the largest school ever organized by ESI, conducted in a hybrid format with 44 students attending in person and 11 joining online. This ambitious initiative was made possible through a partnership with Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and seven Catalan universities. Additionally, we launched the BIG Science TOSCA school, created in collaboration with ESI, Université Paris-Saclay, and La Sapienza. We also welcomed two new schools in partnership with UGA: Santé Connecté and Données Précliniques.
In total, we proudly hosted 278 students and engaged 208 faculty members across all our programmes. A highlight of the year was the celebration of JUAS’s 30th anniversary, held at CERN on November 27, which brought together over 115 participants. This memorable event marked a fitting conclusion to an extraordinary year, uniting the JUAS family and inspiring us as we look forward to the opportunities of 2025 and beyond.
The new year has got off to a great start with the signature on 23 January of a tripartite agreement…
Applications are now open for the 30th edition of the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) and for the 10th edition…
Since 1994 ESI has delivered high-level training to 1906 scientists from 94 countries.
Learning from the best of the best, networking with world experts in healthcare research, an exhilarating day at CERN, thoughtfully designed events and schedules, amazing organisers at ESI and a fantastic diverse body of participants made my time here one of the best fortnights of this year. It truly was the place to be!
This experience provided meeting experts and people from different backgrounds and ways of thinking, learning how to present a project professionally and discovering new aspects of myself from this challenging experience.
The lecturers are all experts passionate about sharing their knowledge. This is really the key asset of JUAS.
The school allowed to me to deepen my knowledge in technologies and applications of particle accelerators, to acquire cutting-edge information from the lectures and seminars and to expand my working network. Considering the logistical difficulties, the organization of the school in the on-line format was excellent.
Thank you to all the pedagogical team that allowed me to work with impending researchers, to have access to laboratories of the latest technologies and to have a huge experience. This course allowed me to put into practice concepts of which I knew only the theory.
The I.FAST CBI was an one of a kind experience: it showcased the need for different fields to come together to bring solutions into the real world. As a law student, it brought me both knowledge about particle physics and a sense of team work with motivated and innovative young experts.
JUAS opened new horizons for me in the world of particle accelerators, with amazing insights into their applications and also to virtually access the most important accelerator facilities in the world.
The CBI boosted my motivation as a physics student and reminded me how society can benefit from our studies. Team work, presentation skills, connections and durable friendships are the main assets I took home from ESI & CERN. 6 months on, we still organise trips to meet each other all over Europe!
It was great to have the accelerator design course and workshop as it was an occasion to put all we saw together and to have an overview on what designing a particle accelerator may be.
UHC School Lab gave me the opportunity to present the existing health problems in my area. The sharing with the students from Grenoble and the mentoring by tutors and coaches allowed me to improve my project throughout the school.
JUAS allowed me to enter my PhD without any gaps and with a high level of preparation. The lectures, although online, were carried out in an excellent way with teachers who were able to make us passionate about the subjects.
The program was very educational and opened a wide variety of ideas and opportunities in science and research. Scientific communication was very well addressed during the sessions. Altogether, it was a wonderful experience filled with good memories.
The JUAS courses are a unique opportunity to immerse yourself into the accelerator field. With hands on experiences, expert lectures and wonderful camaraderie, JUAS is an intensive program that will only leave you wishing for more.
The Precision Oncology summer school is more than just a school. I feel like we built a whole new network with many students and experts in different field and expertise. I have fun discovering new knowledge and friends.
My experience at JUAS course 1 was really positive. I had the chance to learn from really well-prepared professors who were always available for insights/extra explanations. Despite the remote format, the school gave me the possibility to know other realities in the accelerator world and to meet many interesting people with similar aspirations.
I was searching for a training about electronics for detectors which could give me an overview of CERN. With ESIPAP I got everything in one place. I cannot find another course with this perfect combination. Given the circumstances this year (pandemic), ESIPAP was organised perfectly.
L’UHC School Lab était une super expérience. J’ai collaboré dans un projet luttant contre la malnutrition à Madagascar et dans un autre améliorant l’offre de dépistage de l’hépatite B au Burkina Faso. C’est grâce à ce type de projets interculturels et interdisciplinaires qu’on peut faire progresser le système sanitaire en France et dans le monde.
L’UHC School Lab est une expérience inoubliable : 10 jours d’échanges de partages, de découvertes et surtout de bienveillance afin de contribuer à un avenir meilleur. Je souhaite à chacun d’y participer, on se sent utile et ça fait du bien ! Sortir des cahiers et passer au concret, c’est ce que permet cette école.
JUAS enabled me to have contact with many accelerator specialists, which gave me a great overview of these machines at a general level. This is so important for someone like me who intends to make my career in particle accelerators.
This is a wonderful journey. Through the study of the course, I have improved my ability of C++ programming and Geant4 simulation.
The patient testimony session was impressive. It really impacted me; it allows us to remember why we are working in this field. It is important to remember that our goal is to help the patients and not only focus on the scientific part. This testimony reminded us that there are actual people behind all this…
I truly enjoyed the hands-on sessions as I never thought I was someone who would enjoy anything that was remotely related to bioinformatics. But it was genuinely very interesting. And everyone was super nice and friendly.
I followed the 2 courses, taught by knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers from laboratories all over Europe. The lab experiences, at CERN and in Grenoble, allowed me to see how the concepts we learned in class were applied in cutting-edge research. Working alongside other passionate students from around the world was also a highlight.
As a student with a background in electronic engineering, it was a great experience to learn all about accelerator physics. The course covers all the fundamentals as well as real-life applications in the field. The highlight for me was the accelerator design workshop.
C’était une très belle expérience tant sur le plan apprentissage que social. J’encourage les étudiants à y participer !
As a capable but by no means top-of-the-class physicist, I came to JUAS expecting to have to work like hell to keep up. I wasn’t wrong, but I’ve never had so much fun. I learned a great deal and gained so much with so many bright people for a few weeks. Highly recommended!
I am very satisfied with the courses I followed and have already started to see the effect of them on the quality on my PhD work.
As a participant, it was a great experience to have a voice. A voice to create a new project, useful for the actual research. The best point is the teamwork because it allows different points of view to make the project viable.
I cannot imagine the time it would have taken and the volumes of books and magazines I would have had to read to get this level of experience. The content of the lectures has been rich and, in some cases, challenging to understand. The fact that after just five weeks at JUAS I am already…
I was very happy to have participated to this wonderful school. I am so appreciative of all you have done to help us acquire solid training in several areas of research and it was a pleasure to know all of you. Many Thanks!!!
With experts and professors from CERN and universities all over Europe presenting their fields, densely but passionately, there is no better way of starting a career in particle accelerators in my opinion.
It is one of the best parts of my training, even if it was remotely organized. I did not think I would have learnt so much in such a short time. To exchange with teachers and people from different nationalities is a huge strength.
An experience I will never forget! The school allowed me to work with coaches, learn how to build a professional network and collaborate with Béchar’s midwives as part of my project.
Each day was memorable for me, meeting people from other cultures and knowing that I am being part of something as great and innovative as this project always kept me excited. Without any doubt I had an incredible experience.
The visits, the workshops and the practical days were particularily useful to touch with hands what we have seen during the lectures. The interaction with the professors and other students is one of the most valuable aspect of this intense experience. I’ve met many future colleagues, and many friendships born here will last a lifetime.
I had a wonderful time at ESIPAP, and not only did I learn a lot of new skills in particle physics, but I also met teachers and students from all over the world. And the local environment is really beautiful!
By providing a comprehensive and coherent course programme, JUAS really fulfilled my expectation of building a strong foundation in the field. I have gained so much more understanding in accelerator physics.
This summer school course might be a great way to prove that you are a capable, self-reliant individual. This course helped me to access my true potential, silence my self-doubts and give me the confidence to pursue my dreams.
Cette école, soutenue par l’OMS, est unique et exceptionnelle. Les ateliers et conférences auxquels j’ai participé m’ont permis d’acquérir des compétences dans le domaine de la santé et de l’entreprenariat (création d’un budget, demande de financement, etc..). La bonne humeur et le mélange culturel étaient au rendez-vous, et j’en ressors grandie.
It was a one-of-a-kind experience, even though online. The people at ESI made us feel very welcome and went above and beyond to make it an exciting 5 weeks. A wide range of topics were covered and I was able to decide what field I wanted to pursue in future.
Despite the limitations due to the pandemic, it was a fascinating journey into accelerator technologies and their applications guided by exceptional experts.
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